dag 1 one direction!

på bättring vägen me mina knän nu!
känns ju as gött!:D
fasst är hemma nästa vecka oxå! haha ja kan ju näästan inte gå!
det ser ju ut som en gammal kärring går! xd
kollar fb o lite bloggar!:)

lottar ut dagens blogg senare:) orkar inte XD
Day 1 - Favourite One direction photo, and explain why
Day 2- Favourite photo of Harry Styles and why
Day 3 - Favourite photo of Liam Payne and why
Day 4 - Favorite photo of Zayn Malik and why
Day 5 - Favorite photo of Niall Horan and why
Day 6 - Favorite photo of Louis Tomlinson and why
Day 7 - Your favorite member of One Direction and why
Day 8 - Your favorite One Direction performance on the X Factor and why
Day 9 - Your least favorite One Direction performance on the X Factor and why
Day 10 - Your favourite One Direction quote
Day 11 - A dream you had about One Direction
Day 12 - A photo of the member who you think has the nicest eyes
Day 13 - A photo of the member who you think has the nicest body
Day 14 - Favorite televised performance
Day 15 - A picture of you & someone in One Direction
Day 16 - Favorite One Direction part of Pokémon Diary
Day 17 - Favorite video of the X-Factor Video Diary
Day 18 - If you wear a member of One Direction for a day, who would you be and why
Day 19 - Your favorite thing about everybody in the band
Day 20 - Favorite One Direction song
Day 21 - A photo of the boy with the best smile
Day 22 - A wierd thing about the boys
Day 23 - How many One Direction pictures you have on your phone
Day 24 - Your favorite magazine cover of One Direction
Day 25 - A photo of One Direction with another singe/celeb
Day 26 - What made you become a One Direction fan
Day 27 - A photo of One Direction you're obsessed with
Day 28 - A Picture of your One Direction stuff
Day 29 - 10 reasons why you love One Direction
Day 30 - What One Direction means to you
kör på 30 dagars 1D!
kan inte välja!
fåe bli några!:)
alla e bara såååå snygga!
ahhhhhhhhhhh snygga!
alla e verkligen perfoo!
älskar allas miner! :)
underbarbild.se! dem vann ju sin första brit! P.R.O.U.D! o kan lova att det kommer bli mååånga meer!

Postat av: simone holmeros

Sv:asså det betyder typ den som skriver,elr redigerar elr sånt <3333

2012-03-16 @ 11:27:02
URL: http://simoneklara.myshowroom.se

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